Friday, 24 May 2013

Napier Degree Show 2013

Last night saw the launch of Napier Degree Show 2013. As members of the School of the Arts and CreativeBuzz magazine and our book project were on display, as well as a sneak-peek of the forthcoming Publishers Inc. For Buzz we had a giant poster of the cover on display, as well as the contents page and the Independence spread which gained national media attention a few weeks ago ( are also copies of the magazine to pick up and take away.

To showcase our work for the book project we had a poster made up of the AI sheet and some specimen pages. We also had several of the potential cover designs on display. Sad story: my cover was supposed to be included, but apparently the file was too low resolution to be printed. I swear it was 300dpi in Photoshop, but the design gods were not on my side it would seem. However, this disappointment was alleviated by the fact that my spread for Publishers Inc was included in the preview poster that is on display, so at least I can truthfully say some of my work is on show!

As well as these visual representations of our work, we also have our tea cup flyers promoting our project. I helped to cut them out, so I can testify to how much time and effort we put into them. They went down a treat at the recent London Book Fair, and hopefully visitors to the Degree Show will also be delighted by them. Who doesn't love a free tea bag?

The Degree Show comprises of work by the entire school, including Creative Advertising, Design and Photography. Some of us took a wander round the rest of the Show last night and we were treated to a raft of amazing exhibitions. The Photography section was particularly interesting, with so many intriguing pieces. One that caught our eye featured a little boy reading a book while adults lay on the ground in the woods (passed out? sleeping?) with plastic cups dotted all around as if there had been some kind of party. This led to some debate amongst our group over the message the photograph was trying to convey. We were equally fascinated by some of the craft-work on display.

This paper spiral caught my eye.

The most fascinating exhibition, however, was the digital design room. In there we found a shower that isn't a shower and a colour test involving the senses. Being in that room made me feel like a small child at a fair again, and we did linger there for quite some time. There's so much to take in and it's clear that all the students have put a lot of effort and dedication into producing the pieces on display. It was great fun to see the projects the other departments in the School have been engaged with all year, even if it did leave us feeling quite humble in comparison. One thing is for sure: there's a great deal of talent out there!

The Degree Show runs from now until the 2nd of June. If you are in Edinburgh or the surrounding area, do drop in and have a look at the work on show. You can find out more from the website: The Publishing exhibition is located in the newly opened Glassroom, which is home to reception. There's definitely something for everyone, and don't forget the free tea; perfect for relaxing after the Show!

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