Monday, 20 May 2013

I'm a (not-so) Secret Fangirl

Are you ever too old to be a fangirl?

I ask because of something I read today while researching for my dissertation. A group of people were asked for their responses to Harry Potter and this particular person said they would never read the books because there is too much hype around them. That, however, was not what irked me most, it was a comment they made about a twenty-something girl they saw wearing a Harry Potter shirt. "What is wrong with these people?" they exclaimed.

My favourite books in the entire universe plus matching bookmarks
No, HP hater, what is wrong with you? Okay, so I might be a tad (fine, a lot) biased, being a certified fangirl myself, but what is wrong in an adult being a fan of something? Sure, Harry Potter began life as a book for children, but adults soon discovered they loved it every bit as much. There are many other books and even films that have a cross-generational appeal. How many adults enjoy Disney films?

I am in my twenties and I still read young adult books. In fact, I read them more than 'adult' books. They might not be aimed at me, but I find more to identify with in them than I do in other books. The self-doubt, worries about the future and relationships that the characters go through are all things I can relate to. My opinion is, if you enjoy something you should read/watch it, regardless of your age.

Which brings me back to merchandise. Admittedly, I am a marketer's dream. I love buying merchandise. It's a way to show you're passionate about something, and I firmly believe a life without passion is not a life at all. So, yes, I will buy t-shirts, and posters and all manner of other things. I don't care if I'm 'too old'. It makes me happy. To suggest there is something wrong with people who are openly showing their affection for a book/film/band is narrow minded. How is it any different from football fans spending a fortune on strips and season tickets and crying their eyes out when their team loses the match?

So, I will continue to be a fangirl, despite my advanced years. And I say to you all, find something you're passionate about and don't be ashamed of it because the joy of life is in pursuing the things we love.

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