It's done. Gone. Given up to the marking Gods. There's no going back now.
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The finished product! |
Yes, I have finally handed in my dissertation. After months of researching and writing it, it had kind of become a routine. I got up, wrote some (or more accurately, attempted to write while having a mental block), cried, stared at a blank screen thinking I would never get anywhere with it. This went on every day all summer and I must admit it was very strange waking up this morning and not having any more dissertation work to do. It sounds rather silly, but it had become my life pretty much. I just hope that all those tears were worth it and I manage to pass!
In the end I was almost pleased with it. It certainly looked nice when it was all printed out and bound. Miraculously my ink held out enough to print all my illustrations and even the pie charts that ended up representing my research survey (one thing I learned this summer was that Excel and InDesign do not get along). I did nearly have a small heart attach when the secretary couldn't find my signed statement against plagiarism, and then realised she was staring at it. I had visions of having to take it back and do it all over again! The strange thing is, when it came to handing it in, I was almost sad to see it go. It had become my pet and it's kind of scary to think there's nothing I can do to it now. I just have to hope it's good enough.
It's been tough working, interning and writing dissertation all at once, but I'm surprised at how I've managed. There was a time not that long ago when I was convinced I could never work and study at the same time. This year I have proved that I can. To be honest, as much of a trial as dissertation often was, it was much preferable to waitressing. I don't know what it is about my current work, but we get so many horrible customers. I've had three other waitressing jobs, and never have I experienced so many nasty people coming through the doors!
So that's it, then. I'm officially done. I just have to wait for results now. If I manage to pass, I'll graduate in October. It seems weird to think that just a little under a year ago this course was just beginning and now it's almost over. I have gone through a lot of character-building experiences in the last 11 months. There have been major highs and major lows, lots of frustrations, questionable organisation, hundreds of hours of overtime trying to meet print deadlines, and, of course, several memorable social events. It's been fun, even through all the stress and the wanting to scream in certain people's faces. And I have learned new skills. I feel I know the publishing industry so much better than I did before. My editorial skills are stronger and I feel qualified to apply for publishing jobs. So, in that sense, it has been a worthwhile investment.
I have no idea if it will actually pay off and secure me a proper publishing role. That is something only time will tell. On the one hand it's exciting having the future stretching out ahead of you. On the other, it's terrifying not knowing if your dreams will be fulfilled. In the meantime, I'll just have to endure those horrendous customers. If I can survive getting Buzz to the printers, I can survive anything!
In other news, Publishers Inc. finally came back from the printers! This was the publishing magazine we produced, focusing on the industry and alumni. Seeing my spread finally printed was a great feeling, although the final version is a little different to the one I actually designed. It's unfortunately not available to pick up, but all alumni from the course should receive a copy. We're still waiting on The Camomile, but I am happy to report that it too has gone to print. I must admit I am curious to see how it will look when it's finished. I'll keep you updated. Until then I'm off to try to figure out what to do with my time now there's no dissertation to write. This might be a good chance to catch up on all those books I still have to read!
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