Sunday, 17 February 2013

Venturing into Blogging

Not quite sure how to start this so I'm just gonna dive right in. My lecturer is always telling us to start blogging, but I've resisted so far because I'm not sure I actually have anything interesting to say for myself. Then my friends, Clare and Lauren set up a blog to document their challenge of meeting the 13 goals they set for themselves for 2013, and it inspired me so much I decided to try blogging for myself (you can follow these two amazing girls and chart their progress here: They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, so for this first post I'm gonna list my own goals.

1. To be more proactive - I'm not one for putting myself forward. I like to fade into the background and not be noticed. But this year I want to push myself into taking on bigger roles in the projects I'm involved in and to do things that would normally scare me. I'm always complaining about not having done anything with my life thus far. Well, that's because I haven't really tried. This is the time to do something about that.

2. To exercise more - I'm a Libra and we have a natural affinity for lounging about. Unfortunately this leads to putting on weight, so in the interests of losing weight and being healthy, I want to at least try and work out every week. I keep talking about joining an exercise class, but I never do it. I want to try zumba, so let's see if I can motivate myself into joining the class at the local gym.

3. To take the first step in getting a job in publishing - I'm (hopefully) already half-way there through doing my MSc, but I want to do more. Part of my course involves a placement and I really want to try and organise more work experience, especially in London. It's my dream to work in London and all the publishing houses I am interested in are there. If I can get some work experience at one of them that would be amazing. It would also fulfil my first goal. I'm always saying I want to go to London but I never have, making cost an issue. A placement there would force me to step out of my comfort zone.

So, those are my goals. There are only three because a) I want to be realistic and I think the fewer there are, the more likely I am to fulfil them, and b) I couldn't think of any more! Let's see if I can see them through over the year. Wish me luck!

Annette xx

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