It's all starting to get very busy what with dissertation and
placement, and from next week I am working four days instead of just
two. I am sorry for not updating my blog as often as I should, but
finding time is an issue, as is finding things to blog about.
Unfortunately there's not much other than dissertation and work going on
at the moment, and I don't want to bore those brave souls amongst you
who venture here to read my blog. You may be thinking, well, then,
update us on your book project and on Publishers Inc. Alas, there is
nothing to report. They are both currently being proofed for the
millionth time, but hopefully one day soon I will be able to bring you
news on them.
So, in the midst of all
this, you would think that I would not be adding yet more books to my
reading list. I honestly don't have as much time for reading as I would
like right now. Whenever I can, I snatch some hours, but I am not
getting through my books as quickly as I would like. A sensible person
would realise that adding to the list right now would be rather stupid. A
sensible person would focus on completing the books in the 'To Read'
pile before adding more. I, however, am not a sensible person.
My current reading pile |
is my current 'To Read' pile. That doesn't include the books I still
want to buy. In the last few weeks so many good books have been
published, many of them additions to series I've already started. It
pains me that I have yet to buy Neil Gaiman's
Ocean at the End of the Lane, but as soon as I actually have money again I'm rushing out to get it. Since reading the first two pages of
The Humans
and being told how brilliant it is by my friend Lauren (who does have
an eye for a good book), I now want to get a copy of that. I also
discovered that the same author wrote a children's book called
To Be a Cat. I cannot resist stories about cats. Moreover, I've been promising myself to read
Looking for Alaska and the rest of the
Game of Throne
books (which will likely take a whole year), and as if that was not
enough to make your head spin, I have been enjoying Daniela Sacerdoti's
Dreams so much that I am definitely going to read
Watch Over Me.